Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You do have to know when you have to go

The fact that Prince Phillip decided to retire from public life at the random age of 96 makes me think that he's spent the last few years talking to advisors and QEII putting forward the idea of retiring until finally they all decided it was time to go. Or I guess, more likely, given his constant inappropriate remarks, he has been listening to people for decades suggest he retire from public life and finally decided he was too tired to go on. I guess we'll never know exactly how this decision came to be, but one thing we do know for sure is that The Crown really did put PP in a hot new light.

I can only hope that one day a series based on the life of the Misses Soft Crab appears on Netflix and presents us in a hot new light. But as K told us yesterday, not quite in so many words, we probably need to take an indefinite hiatus in order for the world to be able to appreciate our true genius.

But before we go a brief stroll down memory lane. It's interesting to me that we've been expressing out annoyance at GOOP since the very inception of MSC, as evidenced by that time K and I recast ourselves as GOOP and Jay-Z and replicated the interviews they did of each other. Ugh, it's annoying just thinking about it. But hilarious remembering our versions found here and here.

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