Thursday, February 14, 2013

In praise of holidays (AM)

How good are holidays?! Mine is basically over now. By the time you read this I will be sitting in a car for a day-long drive. But last night, my holiday's last night, I was just reflecting on how good holidays are. Sure this may be a stupid, self-evident statement, but, sheesh, I've been on holidays, my brain is in a weird place right now. 

Last night, after a day at the zoo and a good run along Sydney Harbour and a refreshing shower I just felt pretty damn good and reflected on this as we went out for dinner.  Holidays aren't all beer and skittles of course. On this one Baby has been sick, we didn't get to go to Wet 'n' Wild, and we had to eat two meals at a small-town bowling club within 48 hours. One of which took about 2 hours  between ordering and serving and both of which pretty much tasted of wilted mushy nothing. And I lost a shoe. A favourite shoe. But! We saw two adorable cuteheads get married, spent lots of time with beloved people, got sun, surf and sand, went to a zoo where you can look at bongos and with the turn of a head see the Sydney Harbour Opera Bridge, and ate a frozen banana. Imagine if those things happened at home. It would probably feel like a normal week with a couple of highlights, but on holiday it feels like a really great holiday! Like all the annoying things didn't exist and a great holiday has just been had. 

I don't know you guys, I just feel like this holiday thing maybe something special. 

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