Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Favourites: Neil Patrick Harris (AM)

So, it's Friday and I thought I would celebrate with a Friday Favourite! Today the lucky guy is Neil Patrick Harris. I don't know why, but I just really dig this guy. Let's try and figure out why.
Firstly, dude played Doogie Howser. Lesser men would not have recovered from such a youth, but this guy, he doesn't seem broken by it at all.

Secondly, @ActuallyNPH does the most adorable tweets. This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but when I was having a really terrible week recently NPH’s tweets really cheered me up. I mean, check them out:

Also, the guy makes How I Met Your Mother, an otherwise kind of nauseating show, kind of watchable. So watchable I once spent a strange Saturday watching it back to back for about 7 hours. I guess I was in a pretty weird place back then. Sure, I like Jason Segel as much as the next person, but NPH is what really works on that show. The only thing really. God, Allison Hannigan, why couldn’t you just stay Willow forever?!

Which of course brings me to Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.  NPH meets Joss Wheedon meets the Internet. What a beautiful ménage à trois !

All these are fine reasons I guess, but really I think that when it comes down to it, Neil Patrick Harris just has a certain je ne sais quoi. And that's why he is totally my Friday Favourite for today.

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